The International Women’s Writing Guild
Joan gave a talk online to the International Women’s Writing Guild on How To Become an Authorpreneur on 12/4/24.
It was well received.
Hoboken Book Fair
Joan signed her books at the Hoboken, NJ Library Book Festival on 9-21-24.
Not only did she sign her novels but she was gratified when a grandmother brought her granddaughter to the table and bought Jamie is Autistic:Learning in a Special Way.
The girl was eager to read it, which is of paramount importance in the third grade. As a teacher and author, Joan stressed the benefits of reading when the student advances to the higher grades.
Joan wished more parents would’ve come to the festival with their children. to encourage them to read and foster a love for books.
Cardinal Press
Joan’s article on Empowerment for Children by Cardinal Press has just been published.Take a look and tell your colleagues.
Margo Simmons Salad for Two
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BiblioBoard Library
Secret Desires, is now available in Indie New York, a collection of books from local indie authors available exclusively on the BiblioBoard Library mobile and web platform. This collection is available to patrons of participating libraries all across your state/region. The book is now available with just one click of a button to thousands of new readers!
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Jamie is Autistic
Joan is proud to report that her children’s book, Jamie is Autistic: Learning in a Special Way is now in the Jewish Blind International Library’s digital/audio book collection.
Passaic Book Fair
Joan signed her books at the Passaic Book Fair on June 8 and gave a mini-lesson to a few students on how to craft distinguishable characters.
Joan’s German Edition of Secret Desires
For those who read German, Joan’s German edition is now available from all major retailers as an Ebook or paperback. Check it out!
June12th – Women Veterans Recognition Day
As the grandaughter of a woman who raised the finest pharmacist who became a medal winning medic in WWII, I salute you!
June12th – Women Veterans Recognition Day
As the grandaughter of a woman who raised the finest pharmacist who became a medal winning medic in WWII, I salute you!
50 Precious Words
Joan is very proud to announce she received an Honorable Mention for her submission, Lily Saves Blue Bear, in the 50 Precious Words contest.
The objective: Write a children’s story in 50 words.